Top 10 Revolutionary Innovations of the 21st Century

These are the inventions that have shaped the world since the year 2000. For this list, we’ll be looking at the biggest leaps and bounds the world has made in technology since the start of the 21st century. Our countdown includes Smartphones, Blockchain, Gene Editing, and more! What’s been your favorite innovative technology of this century so far? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. I wish we will see healing any disease beds and seats technology that can make people life longer around 150 or 200 years of age and have warp drive or hyperdrive device that we can travel anywhere just like that I hope it will be possible one day

  2. If they're going to create flying cars then they better figure out a system to stop asshole, idiot and incompetent drivers first. Imagine road rage, someone not using the mirrors and signals or some arrogant new driver who thinks he can handle the power of muscle car, imagine all that in the air

  3. One thing I would love to see 3d printers create one day are full size (dream) houses! Where online shopping is concerned, I still prefer to buy stuff (especially groceries, some clothes etc) in person depending on occasion, location and availability.

  4. It's better to buy food in person, because online food shopping services have limited goods, a habit of sending the wrong things, do annoying substitutions and are more expensive than doing it yourself in the long run, because you miss out on special offers, bargain bin items and being able to check prices and the quality of your goods. None food online shopping also needs to be regulated, like traditional mail order is, to avoid fraud and enforce quality control.

  5. I have an inherited lymph node condition, from my paternal side, it's something that may still be in that side of my family, so gene editing would be a good thing for any family, with inherited medical problems.


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