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Billionaires are building their own cities for you to live in.
Today, it’s pretty hard to buy a country and make yourself king. But a few tech billionaires are getting a headstart by building their own city. Here are the top 3 cities you might want to live in. But personally, I would avoid the last one.
3. Belmont by Bill Gates. This will be an $80 million dollar smart city. That means city-wide Wifi and sensors that will watch everything. With all that data, Bill can automate things like trash collectors and fire brigades.
2. Starbase by Elon Musk. One day, Starbase will be the world’s first space travel hub. But right now, Elon plans for this to attract people to work at SpaceX. Because if most of the town works for SpaceX, the local politics would likely vote in favor of SpaceX.
1. Telosa by Marc Lore. Marc is building a green city that can house 5 million people. The city divides into 36 independent districts with a massive tower in the center. That’s how