This chemical reaction is because of the density between the liquids. The liquid below the other is more dense than the one on top of it, which explains why honey is on the bottom, because it is the most thick, and dense. Hope this helps.
@psycho.. boss instead of commenting confidence 100% knowledge 0% prove it la.. here is the proof for my statement.. I'm saying though you change the order of pouring this is how it settles when you give some time to the mixture.. so prove it i will agree with your statement knowledge 0%.. what they taught you and you remember is knowledge.. what you understood from nature by observating correctly is intelligence.. i have intelligence of 98%..
This chemical reaction is because of the density between the liquids. The liquid below the other is more dense than the one on top of it, which explains why honey is on the bottom, because it is the most thick, and dense. Hope this helps.
I need with explanation
It's going on each other because of its density, that's why it's not sinking
@psycho.. boss instead of commenting confidence 100% knowledge 0% prove it la.. here is the proof for my statement.. I'm saying though you change the order of pouring this is how it settles when you give some time to the mixture.. so prove it i will agree with your statement knowledge 0%.. what they taught you and you remember is knowledge.. what you understood from nature by observating correctly is intelligence.. i have intelligence of 98%..