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Created by: Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown
Written: by Rachel Salt and Mitchell Moffit
Illustrated: by: Max Simmons
Edited by: Sel Ghebrehiwot
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I am surprised that menstrual cup is not there. It's the greatest invention of the century.
Its a crime not to mention the first nuclear reactor. We can literally control the power of the sun but people are too scared to fully utilise it and fund it.
Eeeeeeehhh….. Where’s the gunpowder??! And the Electricity?
Could we just give Bill Gates a little credit for inventing GPS?
Nobody landed on the moon ppl stop being fooled by tht crap it was staged
sooooooo cool
Two things wrong here:
1) You got the date wrong, it was 509 BC not 508.
2) It didn’t start in Greece but in Rome.
(Also it’s capacitor not capacitator)
Thank you for the informations
If I had to add one to the list, the invention of the nuclear power plant or the atomic bomb
What's BCE for
The fact that most of these were discovered in the last 200 years is amazing
So cars make the list, but the humble bike is absent? Funny- to me cars are possibly one of the single WORST inventions of all time and a total misuse of one of our best- the ICE. There is absolutely NO use for a car that is not better served by a train, bus, truck, bike or foot. Carsflattened and uglified our cities, they make our air toxic to breathe and prevent our children playing outside. Car dependency has made us unaware how bad it is- we are like drug addicts who can't see how devastating this "great" invention has truly been, how much putting it's apparent convenience up on a pedestal has done to move us further apart and make our cities and overall environment more dangerous and damaged! Without cars cities would be more compact, less baron and more of a joy to navigate and for long distances we used to build railways- now we are seemingly stuck with expensive, polluting, ugly death machines! The humble bike and the mighty train could still be the most important innovations in transport EVER and vital to tackling climate change! Electric cars won't work because they destroy roads and the batteries are environmentally damaging to mine, and still depend on readily available energy. Forget Elon and his push to own the whole transport industry- bring back bikes and trains!
nothing major was invented after 2000'S
……. LuV Th!Z ChAnnEl bUt P!SSd oFF RyT nOw… Ur #z R aLL FuKd Up AccOrD!Ng 2 H!StOrY BrUh….. ThAt GrEaT PyRaM!Dz wEr MadE !N 2550 B.c.E. ….DaFuQ u MeAn tHeY bU!Lt tHaT W!ThOuT MaTh ? LoL XpLaYn GoBeKL!e TePe …… ReChEk yA WrK kLaSS LoL
God engineered evolution from the first bacteria cells to humans now. He gave us the gift to discover and invent, and we ourselves have become creators now. I hope to see the eradication of polio, a return to a healthy planet, civilization on the Moon, and the discovery of what lies beyond ourselves, such as proof of extraterrestrial life, or even the proof of a deity.
Just gonna leave fossil fuel off the list, eh
How many trees do we cut to build solar farms and wind farms? How many big bird species would remain after 5 year of being fully "green"
This made me feel grateful for where we are right now
Standardized shipping containers major snub
Wrong about the printing press. China invented the first movable press in 1040. Also missed out gunpowder
I like how as closer we get to the present, there are more inventions
This is a very broad definition for an innovation. Evolution of language is not even an innovation. We now know several other species that have their own language, as well as dialects within species. There are records among Sperm whales to monkeys and primates to birds about transfer of knowledge from one generation to the next and among different communities of these animals too.
Thinking that language and emotions are restricted to only humans is the hubris of mankind as we don't even know how many and if any of the prehistoric animals also showed these features.
1:46 Arabic numeral system emerged by the 8th to 9th centuries AD, not BC
Please look up to "The Venus Project" it offers solution to most of the problems we face today.War, poverty, hunger, starvation, illnesses, crime, deprivation, human suffering can be solved with THE VENUS PROJECT. It offers method to achieve better world. The Venus Project is not perfect/Utopian, its just much better than what we got today
почему вы не включили станцию мир и полет гагарина?
Some of these are inventions, not innovations
engineer gaming moment
1961 Gagarin
WOW!! Sorry just found your channel but you got sponsored by Bill Gates?! You guys made it and it's great that he focuses on all you do for people and not on .. well you know what I mean!
Who else is looking for a comment that says wow glasses actually increased iq, no wonder nerds have glasses
POV for some reason, you were assigned to watch this for school
4:24 what's a capacitator !!??
Imagine if anesthesia weren't discovered….
What about the wheel
top left, what is the number at 5:54?
DNA was discovered before the 1950's. Its role in heredity was known, and features of its structure were discovered, in the first half of the 20th Century. Watson and Crick worked out its complete and precise structure in 1953. And before the Rosalind Franklin myth surfaces: she didn't. She had ascertained, as Crick had done earlier, that it was a double helix. She based her conclusion on a photo taken by her PhD student, who also showed his photo to Watson and Crick. But the double helix was only one, albeit important, feature of the structure.