The world’s greatest inventors, engineers, and scientists have changed the course of human history with their innovations and discoveries. One of the crucial questions necessary to ask when considering the impact on science is “How did they change the world?”
This video explores the day they made their biggest breakthrough, who they were, and what invention or discovery transformed their lives forever. They have left unforgettable legacies in the field of science.
They have changed the world we live in, and they have had a profound impact on our lives. Their inventions continue to affect us today, whether it’s through space exploration or medical advances.
00:00 Introduction
00:15 Thomas Edison
00:30 Nikola Tesla
00:45 Alexander Graham Bell
01:00 Isaac Newton
01:15 Albert Einstein
01:30 Marie Curie
01:45 Louis Pasteur
02:00 Galileo Galilei
02:15 Charles Darwin
02:30 Alexander Fleming
02:45 Guglielmo Marconi
03:00 Alan Turing
03:15 Edwin Hubble
03:30 Otto Hahn
03:45 Tim Berners-Lee
04:00 Martin Cooper
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