Israel is a world leader in both innovation and medicine. Combine the two and you get great inventions that prevent, heal and monitor many health conditions.
Ever wonder how the Chilean miners trapped underground for 69 days kept their feet from smelling or getting infected? An Israeli innovation involving the use of copper in textiles not only helped them but can also reduce hospital infections greatly. Need to check your temperature, blood sugar or EEG in an instant? A new smartphone now does all that and more. Want to correct a baby’s MTA deformities in 6 weeks, without the need for heavy braces on his legs? A small brace on the foot will do it. These are just a few of the innovations on display, in this, the first of two videos about Israeli innovation in life sciences.
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Such an amazing, inventive country!
why is population below poverty line is 22% in israel which makes a poor nation. medias might lie about all these. all these technologies could be made in usa and israel's is a small country why are there so many poor people in israel.
Imagine what the Israelis could do if they didn't have to dodge rockets and mortars.
For all of you out there supporting the boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel make sure you boycott the plethora of ground breaking innovative medical technologies coming out of Israel.
Hashem bless Israel and their doctors.
Outstanding technology.
Amazing invention in israel
Shouldn't these people be demolishing houses and building illegal settlements somewhere?
We do innovations plus develop YET NEW Discoveries into Inventions, also in other countries; like CANADA in our case of advanced Computing and Flying boats plus Surfing Ships…גם בעולם הגדול יותר, אנחנוּ מוֹבילים עוֹלם וּמלוֹאוֹ … בברוּר
we Israeli can do more than that we can lead the world in science and many other rote 😉
Love thanks Israel , thanks God
impressive israel