#historyofengineering #historyofcivilengineering #engineeringhistory #ancientengineering
The concept of #engineering has existed since ancient times as humans devised fundamental inventions such as the pulley, lever, and wheel.
Each of these inventions is consistent with the modern definition of engineering, exploiting basic mechanical principles to develop useful tools and objects.
The term engineering itself has a much more recent etymology.
Deriving from the word engineer, which itself dates back to 1325 AD, when an engine’er (literally, one who operates an engine) originally referred to “a constructor of military engines”.
Then engineering was divided into two categories: Military Engineering and Civil Engineering.
The former involved the construction of fortifications and military engines, the latter concerned non-military projects, for example bridge building.
The word engineer has its root in the word engine, which comes from the Latin word ingenium, which means “innate quality particularly of mental power”.
The word engineer emerged as a person who creates nifty and practical inventions.
Today an engineer is described as someone who has acquired and is applying their scientific and technical knowledge to designing, analysing and building useful, helpful and functional works.
This would involve structures, machines and apparatus, manufacturing processes as well as forecasting their behaviour in particular environmental conditions.
This is all accomplished with functionality, operational economics and safety to life and property forefront in mind.
Engineering is a broad discipline with many subdisciplines dedicated to various fields of study with regards to particular types of technologies or products.
The field of engineering has traditionally been divided into the following engineering job categories:.
#electricalengineering and
However, since the human race has been swiftly advancing with regards to technology, new branches of engineering are being developed.
#engineeringjobs can now also be found in the following fields:
#mechatronicsengineering and #mechatronics
Although all these fields may be defined differently, there is generally a great overlap, particularly in the fields of physics, chemistry and mathematics.
Engineering jobs usually entail applying physics and mathematics to problems in order to discover viable solutions or to make improvements.
Number of different solutions are available, engineers evaluate these options and the required outcome in order to identify the best route to follow.
The earliest recorded civil engineer was an Egyptian known as Imhotep.
It is believed that Imhotep designed and built the great pyramid of Djoser, also known as the Step Pyramid.
Imhotep was one of Pharaoh Djoser’s officials and it is possible that he was the first person to make use of columns in architecture.
The Step Pyramid was built in Egypt in about the time period 2630 – 2611 BC and can be found at Saqqara.
Imhotep would probably be absolutely fascinated with the leaps and bounds engineering has taken in the last 4000 years – although he might have a few secrets to share himself.
Thumbs down I hate AI narrators
Amazing, but it was more about the definition of engineering, if it was titled correctly it would get more views.