Old Technologies

Engineering an Empire: The Aztecs (S1, E3) | Full Episode | History

In less than 200 years the Aztec's transformed themselves from a band of wandering nomads to one of the greatest civilization the Americas...

Most Wanted Vintage Stereo Pieces Today

In this week's video, Kevin goes over the most wanted pieces of vintage audio that we get from our customers, from receivers to...

Vintage – Inventions, Gadgets & Ideas

Archival footage from "Gizmo! " The songs: "We Don't Make 'Em Anymore" and "It Moves Me" Written & Sung by Neal...

The Evolution of Technology: Past, Present, and Future Explained

In this video, we take a deep dive into the evolution of technology from the past to the present, and what the future...

The Most Obsolete Things #technology #top5 #podcast #nostalgia

Walkmans, Cassette Tapes, Landlines, Watches. What do you think is the most obsolete technology? We're counting down the Top 5. source


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