Old Technologies

Pre-Egyptian Technology Left By an Advanced Civilization That Disappeared

The concept of an advanced pre-Egyptian civilization, existing before the well-documented dynastic periods of ancient Egypt, is supported by the advanced technological features...

Ancient Engineering That Kept One of the Driest Cities Wet

The ancient Nabataeans' water storage and irrigation system was a marvel of engineering. It was the biggest reason they were able to thrive...

Adding Electronics To A Classic Car: Setting the Goals

This is an introduction to a new series. We're going to be modernizing a couple of old cars by creating our own...

Clermont County Antique Machinery Show 2022 Owensville, Ohio

The Clermont County Antique Machinery Club's 31st show was a little wet but still a great show to check out. Don't...

Top 5 Ridiculous Old Inventions that HAD NO CHANCE

These early visionaries didn't realize which inventions were going to work out, and which were going to fail. These were the ones that...

The Origins of Technology | Mark Thomas | TEDxUCL

In human evolution modern behaviour is marked by the appearance of new technologies including improved hunting and food processing techniques, long-distance exchange of...


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