Technology Evolution | 100,000 BC – 2020

An educational history of the most iconic and important technology evolved over the existence of human life on earth. Starting with the origin of technology in 100,000 BC to modern technology such as quantum computing, we walk through through the evolution of technology in an easy to understand method by showing each major progression, whilst also seeing slight adaptions throughout.

This video took over 15 hours to produce! We manually research all the items for each video. For every video topic we pay specialist researchers to get the most accurate and interesting information possible! Our researchers spend over an hour writing custom descriptions and DON’T copy and paste information! We spend over 4 hours getting and cutting out every single image using photoshop and adjusting lighting and colours so it fits well into the video. Then we manually put each image into a video editing software file to put all the images and information together. We also spend time adjusting, text, colors and lighting to make our videos look as good as possible. Rendering the video so that it is fully animated can take up to a day – in no way is this process automated it’s 15+ hours of work per video!

This video is under fair use and it’s not reused content, since it’s all original content. If you enjoyed this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe and why not, share it! I spend a lot of time, working on this video..

History of the technology over the years, from 100,000 BC – 2020
Evolution of technology


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