Throughout history, and now into the 21st century, famous female inventors have played a vital role in the world of innovation.
Women are responsible for such momentous advances as windshield wipers, disposable diapers, and the first computer language.
Let’s take a look at some female inventors that have helped to innovate our modern world.
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Germans invented that males not women maybe she remodify it and innovated it but men were invented only things women did was invent bull dog paperclip and white out and coffee maker that's all
It was invented way before she did it
A man helped her with making patient a man still invented regardless not her if other women helped her different story it's innovation she went to factory it innovated her she saw factory work
Inno hate women were innovators not inventors
I'm going to say that I have tried to get a patent for the Vitamins that Prevents Cancer and they're denying me because they will lose so much money Surgeons no end to Cancer .
Michael Daren Williams
Rain Maker Investments