SOVIET COMPUTERS #history #computer #technology #tech #pc #computerscience #soviet #coldwar #ussr


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  1. You're saying that the country that put the first man in space, defeated the nazis, and posed a major existential threat to the whole liberal West, all while coming from a rural semi feudal society less than a century behind, didn't have enough technology to keep up with IT advancements? More like blackmailing and constant outside pressure rather than lack of "free" market, where nothing is free. I hoped you could make a better argument.

  2. Uh oh. Youre gonna piss the commies off with this one. "They made the mouse and the gov helped with the internet!" Ya. They also killed millions by thinking if you planted wheat closer together theyd grow better because "community". Lmao

  3. I live in Eastern Europe and actually, I owned a soviet era computer, soviet computers were invariably just clones of Western computers, especially clones of 8086 intel/PC's architecture variety.

    At the bottom of the market, there were the obligatory ZX spectrum 8-bit Z80 processor clones that were a third of the price of an actual British Spectrum. They were actually pretty reliable computers with added features (more memory) and most of all they were dirt cheap if a little out of date by the late 1990s.:)

  4. I think this is a little miss stated. I think the problem is soviet union was that they forced cooperation between groups, got so far behind and then just found it easier to copy the west. I mean semiconductors are hard, even capitalist europe wasnt able to keep up, let alone the overly bureaucratic ussr.

  5. Ah, yes, the mouse, famously a product of market innovation… at a government-funded non-profit research lab.

    Everyone thank ARPA, not the market, for the mouse.

    Turns out when you leave scientists and engineers in a lab with enough money to visit Radio Shack for spare parts, good stuff happens.

  6. TBF, Steve Jobs and Bill gates didn’t make the mouse, they found it from some guy and stole the idea (the guy wasn’t selling it or anything). I think it was at some convention, forgot the name.


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