Episode 28: Timeline of 50 Most Important Inventions and Technologies Innovations in History. Note at 3:30 the invention is Cars, and sorry for the mix-up.
Episode 28: Timeline of 50 Most Important Inventions and Technologies Innovations in History. Note at 3:30 the invention is Cars, and sorry for the mix-up.
Alot of these are wrong very American centric claiming to invent things when they didn't.also many of these weren't important like canned food surely the invention of the can itself was more important.also engines are useless with the piston or even more importantly the piston ring.
John Fitch unveiled the first operational steamboat in the United States.
please stop Glorifying the USA with Inventions from Non Americans edison was a Fraud never invented anything r
Who invented the computer Charles Babbage UK
The first instance of artificial refrigeration was demonstrated by Scottish physician and professor William Cullen. In 1748, he observed and demonstrated the cooling effect of rapidly evaporating a liquid into gas,
First Flight RICHARD PEARSE the first man to 'fly' a mechanically powered aeroplane in 1902
The first working ballpoint pen was presented at Budapest International Fair in 1931. They filed for patents in France and Britain in 1938. In 1941 Bíró brothers and their friend, Juan Jorge Meyne, fled to Argentina and opened there Bíró Pens of Argentina – a factory that made ballpoint pens and sold them in Argentina as “Birome.” This ballpoint pen was licensed and made in Britain as a “Biro” for RAF aircrews
Swan an Englishman invented the Light Bulb not some American
Johann Philipp Reis was a self-taught German scientist and inventor. In 1861, he constructed the first make-and-break telephone, today called the Reis telephone. It was the first device to transmit a voice via electronic signals and for that the first modern telephone
I dont like this list cause you can do a list like that and manipulati it the way you chose things. For example..the first calculator was Wilhelm Schickard long before france made the first MECHANICAL calculator. So instead of mecahnical calculator..i could chose the person who made the first calculator in general. and then the county would change. Plus you can chose what you show here, and what not. And with that, you can basically manipulate this list as you wish. And some other things you showed are just wrong. Like helicopter or Television etc
Also the Hovercraft invented by Chris Cockerell an English Inventor.
USSR – spacecraft