the forgotten technology

a tecnologia esquecida…
técnica usada por um pedreiro aposentado para explicar antigas construções de civilizações antigas. infelizmente ainda não existe na internet o dvd completo.

edit: voltei aqui em 04/2015 pra perguntar se alguem tem disponivel ai o dvd completo desse video acima e se puder compartilhar agradeço. pois nao encontrei na web ..


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  1. Remember, the main argument that the conspiracy theorists have against the pyramids being built with the methods suggested by the "mainstream academia" boils down to "it would be really hard".
    Straight up a skill issue

  2. Pyramides made by men sounds boring.

    Pyramides mady by men with the help of others sounds interesting. Think about the nephilim.

    On the other Hand they formed the Blocks, they digged it out. They formed it perfectly. And this the whole World around with a similar buliding technics.

    And this long time ago, to build like this happened never again.

  3. это любой так может:
    – дайте мне точку опоры и я переверну этот Мир. (был такой парень из незабытых технологий)

  4. This is what was going on, on the inset slope, while they were building the pyramids. Once the capstone was placed they just filled in the inset slope from the top down with the remaining stonemasonry.

  5. 'simple' technology not valued enough. When my young children and I had to move a ricketty tin chook shed that we built from a kit, into the chook pen, we used ancient simple tech. The chook house was seriously floppy, there was no safe way to move it. I must have cried out to God, because suddenly an image of royalty being carried in a box on 2 sticks popped into mind. I sent one of the kids to fetch the two long lengths of pine that we had recently bought for another project, and amidst grumbles of what's that gonna do, that won't work, we easily slipped the two timbers under, hoisted that shed and carried it almost into position in the chook pen (went in a corner). Only took seconds to move. Silenced everyone and we learnt an excellent lesson that day.


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