Top 10 Amazing Scientific Discoveries You May Have Missed
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What a fascinating time to be alive! From inhabitable planets, to a cure for anemia, and robotic body parts, these discoveries may change the future of human kind! WatchMojo counts down the Top 10 Amazing Scientific Discoveries Made Recently.
Check out our other videos of the Top 10 Things We Wish Science Would Figure Out: the Top 10 Scientific Inaccuracies in Jurassic Park: and the Top 10 Weirdest Planets We’ve Discovered:
#10. Our Species Far is Older Than Previously Thought
#9. Scientists Found Many Planets with Potential for Life
#8. A Stem Cell Transplant Cured Sickle Cell Anemia
#7. Robotic Body Parts
#6. We’ve Taken Steps Towards Quantum Computers
#5. Scientists Have Transferred Basic Memories Between Snails
#4. Scientists Reversed Damage Caused by Alzheimer’s Disease in a Human Brain Cell
#3, #2 & #1???
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Boris Stoyanov is a super bright and an HONEST physicist. He has agreed that the following paragraph (and I quote) is "crystal clear":
"ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. This is proven by F=ma AND E=mc2. Accordingly, gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. "Mass"/energy involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance consistent with/as what is balanced ELECTROMAGNETIC/GRAVITATIONAL force/energy, as electromagnetism/energy is gravity. Gravity IS electromagnetism/energy. That objects fall at the same rate (neglecting air resistance, of course) PROVES that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Think about it."
Get a good look at the BLUE SKY. Get a good look at what is THE EYE. Consider THE MAN who is standing on what is THE EARTH/ground. Touch AND feeling BLEND, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Balanced BODILY/VISUAL EXPERIENCE is the reason that objects AND MEN fall at the SAME RATE (neglecting air resistance, of course), AS E=MC2 IS F=ma; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE, AS E=MC2 IS F=ma; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. (Accordingly, the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution.) "Mass"/ENERGY involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE consistent with/as what is BALANCED electromagnetic/gravitational force/ENERGY, AS E=MC2 IS F=ma; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Gravity IS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy !!!
E=MC2 IS F=ma. This NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity !!!!!!! It all CLEARLY makes perfect sense, AS BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand !!! Think QUANTUM GRAVITY !!!!!!!!!!!
By Frank DiMeglio
The recognized world authority on gravity
There is a different between life in the universe to life in the solar system and actually there sciencets that's saying there is a chance that even in our solar there is life but not inaf developed to see by the naked eye they are probably smaller then bacteria
So Biden or Trump won?
One thing an allien would have In common would be a brain
They sorry
Wudnt the aliens wanna look like us to if the made us
Do u ever wonder if tha monkeys and apes look at us like wat tha fuk happened and y the hell do u put us in zoos if ur me
We aren’t meant to live forever
Looks like Hyde was right: “There’s a car that runs on water, man!”
Science says: She will never love you
Religion left the chat