More Craziest Scientific Discoveries You Missed

Unlock the Wonders of Science: From Giant Prehistoric Whales to Earth’s Hidden Secrets – Dive into 5 Astonishing Discoveries You Probably Missed! Don’t Miss the Future of Clean Energy at the End!

Into The Shadows:
Today I Found Out:
Highlight History:
Business Blaze:
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  1. I'm a DIY goofball. I saw a design for a self feeding generator 6 years ago by an African missionary. Talked to a few Engineer and they said it was BS. Today I saw an American patent for a similar design. I'm not waiting to build one

  2. Here is the biggest scientific discovery your bias brain has profoundly yet to mention¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That we are actually being visited by non human intelligence and the fact like so called smart wanna be scientists like Neil degrass Tyson and others have ignored all the evidence ( evidence is stronger for this than even the big bang) is so hilarious and sad that is boggles the mind

  3. The only technology that can plausibly bring us fusion power is the tokamac. Unfortunately the US makes only a minor contribution to the funding of ITER, the prototype tokamac, because it is being built in Europe. This means we wont get working installation this century. Meanwhile funding that could have accelerated development is gobbled up by numerous over-hyped alternatives with not a shred of hope that they will ever be viable. Luckily renewables from solar, wind, hydro and geothermal supported by battery storage, long distance interconnectors and variable pricing models will fill the gap and make fusion obsolete long before it is available. Some misguided governments easily influenced by lobbying will also build conventional nuclear plants that pile up toxic radioactive waste that will need to be stored for centuries at enormous cost and danger.


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