Top 10 Amazing Scientific Discoveries Made Recently — TopTenzNet

10 Amazing Scientific Discoveries Made Recently

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We tend to think of all the important scientific discoveries and theories (gravity, the speed of light, the infusion of cookie dough into ice cream) as things that happened a long time ago. But lots of new discoveries are being made every year, and they make us realize there’s still so much we don’t know.

Text version:

Coming up:

10. Element 117
9. Electron’s Mass
8. From Skin to Liver
7. Nuclear Fusion
6. Breast Cancer Research
5. Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria’s Weakness
4. New Domain of Life
3. New State of Matter
2. Quantum Teleportation
1. Deep Ocean

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  1. Wait. Chickens have a new state of matter just floating around in their eyeballs? Man, chickens are weird. Not only are they more closely related to dinosaurs than crocodilians are, but now there's A FLIPPING STATE OF MATTER ONLY FOUND IN THE EYEBALLS OF CHICKENS? What has reality been drinking?

  2.       Just ask a scientist
                     Why is it I hear Atheists and other non believer variants often say religion is dangerous and needs to be considered pure fantasy and cast aside or completely eradicated altogether. That is the basis for many of their arguments against religious ideas along with the idea that we should all look to science for answers. They contend that until sceince and knowledge can be expanded that it is idiotic or stupid to believe in anything else. Yet science, has kIlled, and in the end, will kill, more people than religion ever has. It is more dangerous to humans than any religious belief system, not only is it dangerous to people but to all living things on the planet.
                     I have never witnessed a nuclear bomb or powerplant melt down that came from a religion.Oil spills and global warming aren't a product of religion. Pollution of every kind doesn't come from religion.Biological weapons and explosives don't come from religion. Poisonous drugs,chemicals and food additives that kill people do not come from religion. In fact without a human nature to be more,have more, get more and learn more we wouldn't see the need for science at all. So I think it goes without saying we need to adopt the moral ground of the atheist and get rid of science or cast aside its teachings and practices because it kills people and people use it for their own selfish desires. But wait  according to the secular humanist we can't do that because humans are inherantly good and morality comes from our evolved brain not from a force outside the boundries of our phsyical world. With the much more evolved brain we now have and the knowledge we possess we are going to use it for the common good not to build wealth, power and influence over other people or groups. Weve learned so much from our past experiences and history doesn't repeat itself. I think the evidence that science is extremley dangerous and harms so many people is indisputable within the realm of normal human logic and common sense.The probelm now unfortunately is, if we got rid of science we won't be able to save ourselves from science. We would be better off without science and higher knowledge beyond that of plain common sense because ultimately our knowledge and love of science will kill us, just ask a scientist.
                      Philosophical question: Which person is mentally,phsyically and biologically healthier and has a better chance at survival on this planet? The fool who lives in the "wild" and only knows how to feed,clothe and care for his family and local community and neither wants or needs to know or have much more than that and believes and has simple faith in the idea that a power greater than himself and isn't physically obvious is to thank for the earth and his life on it or The learned professor with degrees in higher math,physics and biological science who lives in a smog ridden city eating and drinking pollutant rich food and water and is unsatisfied with not knowing it all and thus, must endlessly continue to find out the "truth"  all the while denying credibility to any idea that cant be proven by higher learning and in the process of all that accidentally discover alot more ways to kill himself than he had before. Who do you want to be?
                       The answer is crystal clear if you live anywhere on this planet in this day and age and have even the most modest idea of what the state of us and the planet is. Maybe the religious leaders who tried to quell the tide of higher learning and science knew something we didn't or we all forgot something or dismissed something they warned us about, in either case hindsight is 20/20 and ignorance truly is bliss. If we are all too survive, what are we to do if both religion and science are killing us all? At this point it may not matter.
                                                    Edward L.W.Welch                         January 3, 2015

  3. So you have amazing recent discoveries but for number 9 you used the rutherford model of an atom? And fusion is already being done, if not on large scales, and a large number of people have set up reactors in their garages! What they need isn't fusion itself, but cold fusion so that we don't need as much energy as a star to fuse the atoms. If they can fuse atoms at a lower level of energy, it would be possible to do it on a large scale. The best bet lies in quantum tunneling, something we think the sun may do already. Minutephysics has a good video explaining that concept.


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