India's Top 10 Innovations That Changed the World

India’s Top 10 Innovations That Changed the World…

India has a rich history of innovation and has made many significant contributions to science and technology. Here is a list of 10 notable innovations by Indians:

The decimal system: The decimal system, which is based on the number 10 and is used in mathematics and science, was developed in ancient India.

The concept of zero: The concept of zero, which is a fundamental part of mathematics, was also developed in ancient India.

The game of chess: The game of chess is believed to have originated in ancient India, where it was known as chaturanga.

Plastic surgery: The ancient Indian medical text Sushruta Samhita contains descriptions of plastic surgery procedures, including the reconstruction of noses, ears, and lips.

Iron smelting: India has a long history of iron smelting, dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization.

The cotton gin: The cotton gin, which is a machine used to separate cotton fibers from their seeds, was invented in India in the 19th century.

The Bhabha scattering theory: Homi J. Bhabha, an Indian physicist, developed the Bhabha scattering theory, which is a fundamental theory in particle physics.

The supersonic jet: India’s first supersonic jet, the HAL Tejas, was developed by the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited in the early 21st century.

The Mars Orbiter Mission: India’s Mars Orbiter Mission, which was launched in 2014, was the country’s first interplanetary mission and the first successful Mars mission by an Asian nation.

The reusable launch vehicle: India’s reusable launch vehicle, the RLV-TD, was successfully tested in 2016 and is being developed as a cost-effective alternative to traditional rockets.


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