The Castle Builders: Construction in the Middle Ages | Complete Series | FD Engineering
Megastructures – Modern Architectural Marvels:
How did engineers long ago organize armies of machines and men to create the great castles of the world. How did they cut, assemble, and raise the giant stoneworks that made up these colossal fortifications? This extraordinary series explores the architectural visions behind the building of the iconic Medieval Castles of Europe and unearths the human stories of those who labored to construct them.
00:00:00 Masters and Masons
00:47:31 Siege and Storm
01:34:56 Dreams and Decoration
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This isn’t about castles, it’s about politics and rulers!
I must confess that when I read the tittle "The Castle Builders: Construction in the Middle Ages" I thought I'd see details about the construction of a castle from the ground. Besides, the soundtrack seems to try to induce people to believe they're about to watch something fantastic, not a historical narrative. It has some valuable information, though.
looks like youre history is big lie
why the fak there is no star fortreses?
LOL WOOD CASTLES WAS LOT WARMER and where is problem made stone outer walls?
well some of that is bulshit and ilogical basicly a lie
I’m thankful for modern machinery and convenience living back then was uncomfortable at best