Jordan Peterson on Oxford’s 15 Minute Smart Cities and WEF #agenda2030 #smartcity #netzero #world

A slimmed down edit of Jordan Peterson’s epic interview containing to smart cities, Oxford UK and the World Economic Forum.

Catch the full interview here
Dutch Farmers: Canaries in the Globalist Coal Mine | Michael Yon & Eva Vlaardingerbroek

#together #agenda #agenda2030 #netzero #worldeconomicforum #smartcity #freedom #freedomfighters #15minutecities #smartcity


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  1. The WTF never considers that these 15 minute cities will be free of crime or not. Well, everybody be living under rainbows and unicorns and have crime magically solved or will these cities be full of rampant crime?

  2. One thing is the the Big Brother abomination and control systems that certainly is a disaster for the human liberty, e.g. China. But another thing is Urban design to attend the basic needs (food, health, recreation, etc). Of course this urban design can benefits us only if it does not restrict our mobility. For example, i can be glad for having a pharmacy close to my neighborhood, but i want to go to the another corner of the country to meet my friends

  3. People are so asleep and so lazy and now so busy struggling to survive its doubtful they will wake or stand before they are staring skynet in the face. Hopefully if they dont take control of social media the world might be saved.

  4. For how much I respect Mr. Peterson's intellect and rational thinking in the area of Psychology, when it comes to topics outside of his wheel-house, his opinions seem to be far fetching and over-reaching. One might use the term slippery-slope with this particular argument. He doesn't seem to realize that his statements about one sliver of a broader topic (which he discusses in detail with an interviewee) can lead to mass-hyper-speculation from uneducated or uninformed viewers, because he tends not to put into context the other relevant pieces of the argument during the discussion. I can appreciate his point about the information contained within the document he references, but what about any counter argument indicting the inefficiency of our current transit system? AKA car dependent cities.

  5. This is some car company propaganda LOL. As an engineer in the field I can tell you that this is nonsense.

    Having a 15 minute city basically means that you can reach most of the stuff you need (schools, shops, hospitals, etc) in a very short space of time by walking, cycling or occasionally using some form of public transport as well.

    Reducing the number of cars is a goal and it`s also common sense due to a variety of health benefits. You do this by essentially building infrastructure for people instead of cars and then the people naturally adapt to their environment coz……..evolution basically. We have done this for thousands of years. This is not a dictatorship thing. This is nonsense.

  6. They are adding smart city surveillance technology to the 15 minute cities. There are cities in ontario run by conservatives that are building 15 minute cities and adding smart city surveillance technology to the city. This was announced in 2013 . Smart City surveillance technology is all connected to biodigital convergence

  7. Gorilla totem
    Le follie umane e o umanoide sono giunti al termine.
    Il consumismo sfrenato vi ha resi tutti ciechi, sordi, muti, ZOMBI.
    Il nulla che avanza vi divorerà tutti.
    Amanti del bla bla bla
    Il tempo è al tempo,
    non c'è più tempo,
    fine del tempo,


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