5 Vintage Kitchen Gadgets Tested By Design Expert | Well Equipped | Epicurious

Design and usability guru Dan Formosa returns for another episode of Well Equipped, this time turning his expert eye towards 5 vintage kitchen gadgets from the past. Watch as he tests each device, putting them through the gauntlet while commenting on what works, what doesn’t, and what he would’ve done to improve their design.

Follow Dan on Instagram at @danformosa

0:00 Introduction
0:43 Ice Pet Ice Shaver
4:51 Miracle French Fry Cutter
7:59 Bean-X
10:49 Wedge Egg Slicer
13:41 Juice-o-Mat

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5 Vintage Kitchen Gadgets Tested By Design Expert | Well Equipped | Epicurious


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  1. I think the reason the orange is a cone and not round is because it needs to do oranges of different sizes and if one was huge it wouldn’t reach the sides, and if it was small it would fall off, the cone fixes that issue, but the mistake is making the bottom a cone and the top round, they should both be cones so they come together nicely and squish the orange evenly.


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